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Dentures 101- The Basics of Dentures

Losing teeth not only impacts your willingness to smile, but also makes it difficult to eat the foods you love, speak clearly, and maintain your familiar facial structure. In all, missing teeth can affect your entire dental structure, as well as your oral health and your overall health. 


Dentures are one of the most commonly used tooth replacements – especially for those patients with a large number of missing teeth. Most people have heard of dentures, but many don’t understand how they truly work until they have them. 


So, let’s talk about the basics of dentures

Where Do You Get Dentures?

If you are missing teeth and want to know whether or not you are a candidate for dentures, where do you go? 


The good news is that dentures are very accessible. In fact, most dental professionals offer them since they are a very common treatment that has been around for many, many years. Getting dentures from your family dentist is often customary, though some patients do choose to go to a prosthodontist. 

Types of Dentures

Dentures is an umbrella term that includes a few different types. For instance, full or complete dentures include replacements for either the top or the bottom teeth – or both. This type of denture may be considered conventional or immediate. 


With conventional dentures, the remaining teeth in your mouth are removed and your gums are left to heal. Only then will impressions be taken and the custom dentures be created. They look great and usually only require a few adjustments. 


Immediate dentures are those that are made before the teeth are removed. That way, once they are removed, the dentures can be placed. As a result, you don’t have to spend any time without teeth. Unfortunately, though, the mouth can change after the teeth come out and tweaking may need to take place to get a comfortable fit. 


Partial dentures, often just referred to as partials, include dentures that replace some, but not all teeth. Depending on how many teeth are missing and where they are found, partials may be held in place by attaching to surrounding, healthy teeth – or by gripping the gum along the jawbone. 

Adjusting to Dentures

There is no denying the fact that dentures take a little getting used to when you first get them. They feel a little strange and you may find that your gums are a little sore or tender, too. But with a little time and patience, you will get used to them and they will start to feel more and more comfortable. 

How to Care for Your Dentures

Providing routine care for your dentures daily is important. You will still want to brush them in order to remove food particles and bacteria. This will also reduce the chance of staining, too. 


Your dentist will go over the best way to care for your particular type of dentures, but one thing you never want to do is use an abrasive toothpaste. This can damage the material that the artificial teeth are made of. 


It is often recommended that you take your dentures out at night when sleeping. When doing so, you will want to store them in an enclosed container with water. 


The better you care for your dentures, the longer they will last you – so keep this in mind. 

Dentures at Maine Dentistry

If you are missing teeth and want to learn more about how dentures can enhance your life, then the dental team at Maine Dentistry can help. We provide New You Dentures™ to allow our patients to gain their functionality back without sacrificing appearance. 

Want to learn more? Contact us today at one of our 3 convenient offices.

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